GIZ is a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, and are dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world. Their main commissioning party is the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Ghana has been a partner country for German development cooperation for more than 30 years. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH opened its office in the capital, Accra, in 1983 but extended its office to the Western North Region in 2020 after the creation of the region in 2019.
Support Area:
In the area of good governance, GIZ supports Ghana’s Government and municipalities in generating more revenue. This project was referred to as Governance for Inclusive Development (GovID).
The project Governance for Inclusive Development (GovID) in Ghana aimed to contribute to the development of Governance by improving transparency, internal accountability, participation, decentralisation, and provision of public services and public finance management (PFM) so that national and sub-national Governance actors are able to finance inclusive development in Ghana.
In the Western North Region, 4 districts benefitted from this programme out of the 100 districts nationwide.
The key intervention areas were to:
- strengthen municipal capacities for collecting internally generated funds (IGF) at the sub-national level;
- strengthen capacities for inclusive budget management at local levels;
- strengthen accountability mechanisms for budget execution;
- enable subnational public actors to identify and further develop local economic development potentials in cooperation with medium-sized enterprises in the agricultural and food industries.
They are also providing advice on transparent use of revenue to support political objectives, particularly to support disadvantaged population groups and promote local economies. Moreover, audit offices, civil society and citizens are supported in demanding accountability from the Government in order to prevent corruption.
With the motto “Raise More, invest better” GovID ended in September, 2023
GOING FORWARD The 4-year successor programme Participation, Accountability and Integrity for a Resilient Democracy (PAIReD) has commenced in October 2023 with a focus on strengthening public financial and expenditure management, sustainable and participatory land-use planning, and anti-corruption. Western North RCC seeks to be selected when fully operational